God is Listening!

Last Tuesday evening my nephew and I discussed the power of prayer in our conversation. I shared my morning and evening ritual of talking to God and saying prayers. He desires to have a stronger relationship with the Father and I encouraged him to meditate on His word and pray daily. He’s been actively looking for a new job and asked if I could start praying for God to lead him to that position. I was elated that he asked me to pray for him and promised him to do so.

When I hung up the phone, I had a missed call. I was amazed while listening to the voicemail message. It was from the Assistant Principal of a school in our area with a job opening for me! This was a school that I’d intended to transfer to last year but the position fell through. I accepted that job offer and transferred the next day. I phoned my nephew to tell him that God was working on our behalf already and hearing our prayers. His response was, “My job is coming next! I know that God will work it out in his perfect timing!” AMEN!

2 thoughts on “God is Listening!

  1. Rosalee says:

    What an amazing testimony and what faith your nephew has which will result in his blessings. Another jewel for Christ as you continue to spread His word Cat. Blessings and peace.

  2. Laurelle Doering says:

    We are all praying for you and all family requests. Love you and so respect your faith and love of GOD.

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