Embracing Life

One uplifting encounter occurred recently after my regular Sunday morning yoga class. My friend Noelle and I were discussing natural remedies and foods for cancer prevention. We shared the healing properties of turmeric, lemons, and apricot kernels among others. I noticed that a young woman was listening intently to our conversation. She approached us and posed the question, “So both of you know someone close to you with cancer?” Then she burst into tears and revealed that her friend was just diagnosed with some type of cancer and she didn’t know how to deal with the news. I embraced her as she sobbed in my arms.

After gaining her composure, I told her about my husband’s recent prostatectomy due to cancer and was able to offer her some sound advice about showing support to her friend. I knew that God had placed us in her path that morning to encourage her to pray for her friend, Miriam. The following week I was pleasantly surprised to hear that Miriam had scheduled an appointment with another doctor to receive a second opinion. This new doctor had given her an excellent prognosis for treatment of the cancer which was a huge relief to everyone.  It stirred my heart to be more thankful for my health and embrace this life that God has blessed me with!