When Your Loved One Has Cancer

My common theme for my published books and blog is God’s divine timing. Today I am choosing to write about cancer that has affected our lives for over seven years. During this time most of our friends and family have offered emotional support and have showed up in the most amazing ways; from prayer chains to delivering meals and check-ins to see how we are doing. I cannot express how thankful we are to everyone for the outpouring of love we have received.

What weighs heavy on my heart are the highly insensitive responses I have heard a close friend and colleague. I have chosen to forgive them because they misspoke and seemed to have no clue how hurtful their words were, especially at a time when I needed encouragement and hope. The first response was from a colleague after I revealed to him that my husband had cancer. He didn’t hesitate to say, “Cancer is a death sentence.” I was shocked even though I know it to be untrue.

The second response was from my oldest friend of 44 years who has met my husband and we have both visited him in Laguna Beach. In our last phone conversation he told me, “You know he’s going to die.” My response was, “We’re all going to die”. Then he proceeded to tell me that his quality of life would be terrible.” I am still hurt when I replay this conversation in my head. I am puzzled how a dear friend could actually say those words to me.

I’ve discovered through writing that it releases any ill feelings and frees my soul from negative experiences. Our faith remains strong and we will continue to fight this metastatic prostate cancer and are thankful for his latest treatments at City of Hope. We are truly blessed in this life!